This function allows you to add new individual Users for access to the UnderwriterCENTRAL™ system, and edit the existing Users.
Click .
The complete list of existing Users will appear in the main window.
Click to add a new User. A new blank row will open at the bottom of the current User list. Click the
on the blank row to open the Admin Detail screen to enter the Users details.
Enter the appropriate details for the user by selecting the drop down boxes or entering text in the free text fields. You will notice several new fields such as;
•Company - From the drop down box choose the appropriate company related to the user
•Site - If there are several sites, choose the site that person relates to
•Active - Tick this box to ensure this user is an Active user of the system
•Logged On - This box will show if the user is logged on, it enables you to manually log them out if required. The 'Where Is' area on the Dashboard will show which Users are currently logged by showing an asterisk beside them. If the System Administrator makes changes to a Users access privileges while the User is logged in, these changes will not take effect until the next time the User Logs In.
•View latest news - Check the box if the user does not wish to display the Latest News box as a default upon logging into Dashboard.
•View upcoming events - Check the box if the user does not wish to display the Upcoming Events box as a default upon logging into Dashboard.
•Login Name - This is a unique login for this User.
•Password - this is a unique password for the User, and can be the same as the Login Name. Note - Case sensitive.
•Password Expiry - Click the password expiry field to enter an expiry date. Alternatively you can type a date into the field using the following format: dd mmm yyyy e.g: 12 Oct 2007
•Manager ID - Select the Manager of the person from the box
•Email - Enter your normal email address
•Email User Name - See your technical administrator. This is the email users name (not the one you enter when logging in to your email account)
•Email Password - Is the password associated with your email user name. This is the same password you usually use to access your email account.
•Mail Box Name - This is only applicable for POP3 email accounts. Please leave this blank.
•User Group ID - Select the User group of the person. ie if Sales Executive, user group could be Sales and Marketing
•Default Server ID - Select the default server for the person, relating to their site. This is the server on which any documents you create will be stored.
•Where Is ID - You can manually set the current status of the User
Press . You will notice that the User Roles box appears at the bottom of the screen.
For definitions and set up of User Roles, see the Roles and Permissions area.
Choose the Roles the user is to have by ticking in the Selected column.