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The Administration area will not be available to all Users.  Each Underwriting business will select a person, or persons to have access.


The Admin area provides access to the setup of UnderwriterCENTRAL™. The control of user access within a company, the addition and modification of the operating company's details as well as modification of the various screen displays is included here.


Basically, Admin is broken up into 3 areas.


1. clip4327: The setting up of roles and levels of access afforded to those roles i.e. who can do what.

2. clip4324: The basic details of the operating broker's company or companies and associations.

3. clip4325: The setting up of default data, styles, links, any automated jobs, etc.

4. clip4326: The data sets stored in the underlying tables that appear in drop down lists. These data sets are offered as assistance to the user when completing some fields on a screen.

