Tagged Templates

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Tagged Templates

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1.Click clip3038 to create a new document template. Complete the template details, but choose Tagged Template from the Class drop down list.


2.Once Tagged Template is selected, the Field Selection and Special Fields areas are displayed allowing for the addition of fields or special codes. These fields enable the merging of information from your UnderwriterCENTRAL™ data. The location of these fields determines where in the document the information will be 'merged' to.




3.Field Selections are grouped and colour coded to make it easy for you to identify where a particular field belongs. Select a group from the drop down list.




Client – clip3041

Quotation – clip3042

Policy – clip3043

Claim – clip3044

Insurer – clip3045

Broker – clip3046

Transaction – clip3047

Invoice – clip3048

Account – clip3049

Product – clip3050

Company – clip3051

Site – clip3052

Service Provider – clip3053


4.The Special Fields allow you to format tables, using repeated information so that you can present a comparison of Options to your Client, include more than one Policy on an Invoice etc. The Special Fields appear as  - clip3054. See Special Fields section below for further detail.


5.Add the text of your template in the main window. This should be done prior to adding any fields to the main window.


6.Holding down the left mouse button, drag the required fields from the Field Selection panel onto the document and drop these in the required location by releasing the mouse.

