The Special Fields allow the user to format tables, using repeated information so that the user can present a comparison of Options to the Client, include more than one Policy on an Invoice, and produce Quote Requests asking the Insurer to quote on multiple options etc.
The Special Fields appear as - .
There are 3 areas within Special Fields.
•System – Includes Current Date and Current Date plus 30
•Control – Allows the user to dictate how the Repeat Tables will appear.
•Repeat Type – Select what data you want Repeated
Select from:
1. | Vertical Repeat (VR) – the fields will repeat as rows down the page |
2. | Horizontal Repeat (HR) – the fields will repeat as columns across the page. Using this type of repeat may result in fields going off the page, so where possible use the other Repeat types. |
3. | Block Repeat (BR) – the entire table will be repeated, both rows and columns. |
1. Quote Document – this document needs to be able to include all the Quotation Options (VR), and also the specific Form Needs for each Option (BR).
2. | Invoice Document – this document needs to be able to include multiple Policies so the Broker can issue one Invoice for 1 or more policies. Thus it uses Invoice Policy as a (VR). |
3. | Quote Document- this document needs to be able to include all the Quotation Options (HR). |
4. | Statement of Advice Document – this document needs to be able to include Form Needs for each Quotation as well as each of the Form Needs for the Options quoted. Thus it uses Special Form Need Repeat Types as (BRs). |