Bulk Transfer

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Bulk Transfer

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The Purpose of the Bulk Transfer is to allow the user to make a transfer of Non-Client Monies between two accounts for a given ledger.


When clip3278 is selected from the side menu, under the Account tab, an "Account Bilk Transfer" menu  will be displayed prompting the user for the following information:




1.Transfer Class - this will be fixed as 'Non-Client monies', this field is non-editable
2. Transfer Date - date of the transfer
3.Ledger - select ledger from drop down list


From Account [Credit]

4.Account Type - [defaulted to Cash - Trust] select account  type from drop-down list
5.Account Name - Account the funds are being transferred from


To Account [Credit]

6.Account Type - [defaulted to Cash - Trust] select account  type from drop-down list
7.Account Name - Account the funds are being transferred to
8.Transfer Code
9.Short Note - short text description to appear on the transfer journal record
10.Detailed Note- detailed text description o appear on the transfer journal record
11.Date type - Allocated date/Invoice date
12Up To Date - Non-client monies yet to be transferred with date type [inv/alloc date] <= this date
13.Find Transaction search type - filter amounts to only include GST/Fees/Commission/All Excl GST only or All


After the user has made the relevant selections for the current Account Bulk Transfer of non-client monies they must proceed by:

Clicking the Save button clip2900 will generate the relevant transfer journal data record and relevant journal distribution records based on the criteria selected by the user to generate the transfer. A menu will confirm the transfer has completed successfully.        


Clicking the Cancel button will exit you from the Account Bulk Transfer menu and return you to the Main Screen.