Add Document to History

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Add Document to History

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In order to add a document to History, check the box clip2811 next to document that you intend to add.




Click clip2820 from the side function menu.  A confirmation pop-up will appear and to save the selected document(s) to history simply click on clip2806.  




This allows the user to access the document by using the document history button clip2823 at any time in the application.





The Add to History button also allows you to access the document when creating a new communication from anywhere in UnderwriterCENTRAL™. Usually you only have access to the Documents from the area you are creating your Communication from. If you Create New Communication from your Submission, you will only have access to documents you have Generated from this Submission. The exception is that you will always have access to all your Finance Documents for a particular Policy Transaction in the Communications from the Policy Window.