Account Reconciliation

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Account Reconciliation

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This function is only available for Trust Accounts and Prescribed Payments Accounts.



Choose the account from the Account Search List and click clip2817.  Click clip3293 to open the Reconciliation Detail screen.


The Last Reconciled Date, Ledger and Account will default.  Type in the Statement Balance and select the Date of the Reconciliation.  The transaction list will populate with relevant transactions.




Click clip3003 to select the transactions to reconcile.  Click clip3292 to calculate total reconciled.  Notice the $ amount fields will change.  Press clip2900.

If you need to make changes to transactions do so now as once you click clip3296, the Reconciliation is confirmed and all transactions are locked and cannot be changed.


If you make changes, notice when you open up the Account, clip3300 under the clip3297 Tab that no statement date has been placed in the field.


This means that this period has yet to be reconciled.  If you click clip2817 it will automatically reveal the saved reconciliation.



Click clip3291 to open up the Reconciliation Default Report to run and print.  See the Reports Section for more detail on Reports.