Open Template

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Open Template

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To open an existing document template, click on clip3511 and a pop-up window with a list of documents will be provided.  Select the document you require. Note: you can expand and collapse the list using the scroll bar at the side to view the complete list of existing Documents.


Once a document is selected, click on clip3512, or double click on the Template Name.




The selected Document will open in the Main Window area and it will look like a standard Word Document.




In this example, the Document is a Tagged Document Template. We can tell this because it has a series of fields 'merged' in. We can also look in the Side Menu to find the details of the Document.

Once a Document is opened,  make changes and Save Template clip3516, or make changes and Save As Template clip3540.  If the user chooses to Save As,  both the Name and Filename of the Document can be changed. This is useful to make a minor change to a Template as it will save valuable set up time.


There are a number of special fields that can be used to assist in the set up of documents. These advanced controls will allow the user to set up a document to produce:

Invoice document that has multiple policies

Letter to client that provides detail on the range of insurance options


This detail will be covered in the Reports and Documents Training Module.