Click to create a new Claim. A new blank Claim Detail area will open in the Main Window. Complete all the fields (remembering that you cannot type in the greyed out areas) that are applicable and click .
This is the first screen the user will need to enter details into at the time of creating a new Claim. This screen contains the Claim information for the Client as well as the Insurer.
•Claim ID: Every claim is Automatically allocated a Claim ID by UnderwriterCENTRAL™
•Claim No: This is automatically generated for each new Claim
•Claimant Name: This is a free text field where the user can type in the claimant name if it differs from the name of the Client that is defaulted. If you have searched for a client record and it does not exist, you can then use the Quick Add function (QUICK ADD button) to add a new client record with limited details.
•Claim Type: Click to select the appropriate Claim Type. Making the correct Claim Type selection will assist in running correct and up to date UnderwriterCENTRAL™ claim reports.
•Date Notified: Click on to choose the date the insurers were notified.
•Limit: This is the limit value under the policy.
•Excess: This is the excess under the policy.
•Client: Select the client by clicking and searching for the client the claim is for. If you have searched for a client record and it does not exist, you can then use the Quick Add function to add a new client record with minimal required details.
•Status: Click to denote the Status of the claim and if it is under assessment or been finalised.
•Status Note: This is a free text field where the user can type in additional information.
•Stage: Click to highlight the stage of the claim if it is in Review or Processing.
•Stage Note: This is a free text field where the user can type in additional information relating to the stage of the claim.
•Indemnity: Click to highlight whether the indemnity is Pending, Accepted or Declined.
•Indemnity Note: This is a free text field where the user can type in additional information relating to Indemnity.
•Authorised: Click to allocate the name that authorised the Claim.
•Claims Officer: This is the officer looking after this claim.
•Authorised Rep: The user may choose from the drop down list a managing entity (company) that is authorised to be a representative for this claim.
•Authorised Rep Contact: The user may choose from the drop down list the contact details applicable to the Authorised Representative.
•Default Ledger: Is automatically updated from the policy selected.
Click to save the data.