To create a new Assessor record, click on from the side function menu. The Assessor Detail screen will open in the Main Window. Fill in all the fields that are applicable, remembering that the areas that are in bold are mandatory fields and must be filled in.
Note: The greyed fields will either be completed by the system or be accessed later in another section. For example, the Assessor ID will be generated automatically by the system.
•Name: Enter the name of the Assessor here.
•Status: If you do not wish to use the services of a particular Assessor, make sure you have selected Inactive.
•Status Note: Additional information about the Assessor status is entered here if necessary.
•Assessor Since: Choose a date from the date picker of when the services of the Assessor commenced.
•Short Name: This will assist with the search and retrieval for Assessor information. This should be something simple and logical.
•Other Ref No: This will be applicable for Assessors without an ABN; i.e. if the agent is from overseas and has a different business ID number.
Click to Save all data.