Click .
A complete list of all of the editable Quotation fields will appear in the main window.
Click to view the current options for that drop-down list.
To add another option to the Note Type list click and Type the new option.
Please Note:
There are no restrictions on the quote type and status fields in UnderwriterCENTRAL™ unless the fields have been made un-editable.
There are system functions which automatically set the type and status of quotes/policies and we strongly recommend users allow the system to do this without manual intervention (although ability to do so remains).
We interpret the statuses in UnderwriterCENTRAL™ as:
1. Working – this is when a quotation has been entered although a rating has yet to be applied and therefore no premium has been calculated
2. Quote – this is when a quotation has been entered and a rating has been applied, therefore a premium has been calculated
3. Cover Note – this is when a quotation has been rated and accepted to cover note (still viewed as a quotation transaction in UC)
4. Bound – this status is for quotation and policy transactions and indicates the quote is accepted to policy and therefore the transaction is un-editable
5. Lapsed – this status is for quotation and policy transactions which exceed their expiry date
6. Declined – this is for quotations which have been declined
7. Withdrawn – this is for quotations which the underwriter chooses to withdraw
8. Not Taken Up – this is for quotations where the quotation has not been taken up by the client/broker