Add Facility

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Add Facility

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To add a facility to the product, click on clip3240. The Facility Detail window will open.  Proceed to fill in the screen the appropriate details.




Code: Enter a 5 character code for easy reference on reports.

Default: Check this if the facility is the default treaty for the product (for the given date period).

Effective: This is the start date for the facility (leave it blank if to have no restriction on when it started).

Expiry: This is the end date for the facility (leave it blank if to have no end date).

Limit: For reporting purposes this is the limit of the facility.

UW Year: Use for reporting purposes.

Tax Months: Use for reporting purposes.

Cash Months: Use for reporting purposes

Commissions: Add the commission for this facility. This commission will override any commission set on the product's fees & taxes tab

Insurers: Add the insurers behind this facility. If there are multiple insurers you must make sure each of the Taxes, Premium, & Claim percent columns add to 100%.  These ratios are used when apportioning the premium and associated taxes.


Click clip2900 to Save all data.