This function allows the user to create a new account. Click to open up a new Account Detail screen in the Main Window.
Fill out the necessary details for the new account:
•Ledger: Click on to choose the Ledger required from the drop down list.
•Account Name: Type in the name of the account here.
•Account Type: Click on to select the Account Type from the Drop down menu.
•Account Class: To choose the type of account you are creating, click on to select the default account class from the drop down list.
•Status: Click on to select whether the account is 'active' or 'inactive'.
•Status Note: This is a free text field where you can type in additional information.
•Date Opened: Select the date the Account is active from.
•Opening Balance: Is a mandatory field where you enter the starting balance of the account.
•Bank Name: Enter the name of the bank here.
•Branch Number: Enter the BSB number here.
•Branch Name: Enter the branch name here.
•Account Number: Enter the account number here.
Click on to save. The user will now have several tabs that will be enabled in the Main Window.
*Every new account is automatically allocated an Account ID by the UnderwriterCENTRAL™ system*